I went into town to get my bike fixed. It was very windy but beautiful on my cycle in (I know I should have walked with my back tyre as flat as a pancake but who among us is perfect?)

However, no sooner had I turned away from the coast road than it started to hail again. I mean I was a bit less exposed than yesterday at least. I had nearly left the house without my waterproof trousers but, happily, had not taken that reckless choice.
After dropping off my bike I found a cafe in town that looked like the pain quotidien. In I ducked – out of the hail – and ordered a pain au chocolat. All the staff were French. The inside was v close to the PQ possibly franchise breachingly close. But how was my pain au chocolat? Poor I fear.

I trekked out to the university in the rain – of course – to meet my friend for lunch. I passed this school.

They seem to like abbreviations in Galway. The Jesuit school is known universally as the Jes but I hadn’t realised that it extended to other establishments.

They were having conferrings at the university.
This is literally the only blue sky I saw all day. V exciting.

After lunch I was back into town for a wander around (lashing rain again).

I went to the local museum. It did not disappoint. A good local offering. With the added benefit of being indoors. There was quite a lot about the War of Independence and Civil War locally which was interesting. There’s a lot of Irish in Galway. I only heard the expression Cogadh na gCarad recently as the Irish for civil war (literally- the war of the friends) but there it was all over the place. A bit tougher for commemoration than the War of Independence.

I looked out the window at 4.30 and the rain was bouncing off the stones.

Here is the view from under Spanish Arch as I am screwing up my courage to walk to the bike shop.

And then I had to cycle back to the house. I got wet notwithstanding my rain gear (when it’s v wet it always seems to leak at the joints). I deeply regret only bringing one pair of trousers and one pair of shoes. Oh well, I am drip drying as I type and I can only hope that the theatre this evening will be so amazing that it will take my mind off the dampness.