This month, for NaBlPoMo, I was going to tell you about everywhere I have ever lived. I have been planning this for a long time (no sniggering at the back please) and had kept a word document updated with all this precious information which I was going to dole out to you day by day over the month of November (that is uproarious laughter, please leave the classroom).
Except, somehow or other, over the summer, I have forgotten where I put this document for safe keeping during the move. Is it somewhere on a memory stick? Is it in one of the 100s of emails I sent myself on gmail? Is it on some hidden part of the hard drive?  A certain amount of brief and unsystematic exploration has yielded nothing and we are approaching midnight – I would hate to miss out on the chance of a prize right at the start.
Even if I can’t find my document, I plan to write it all up from scratch, so don’t think you’ve been spared.
Tomorrow – my first home.
Handy hint.
If you mail it to Gmail, use the tags to sort out your mails. Make a tag called ‘For Blogging’, Make a Tag called ‘NaBlPoMo’. Whatever helps you organise things. You can give an E-mail as many tags as you want. Then click Archive. They disappear from your inbox, but the mails are still there under the tags you set. It’s a great way to save and catalogue stuff. Plus, as it’s web based. As long as you can get online you’ve got access to all your stuff wherever you are.
The other handy hint is to use Google Docs. If you’ve got a Google username/account you’ve got Google Docs. Have a mooch about Google once you’re signed in, If it’s not obvious how useful Google is drop me a mail with your Google name and we can chat about it on…
…Google Talk.
Google can be quite useful, if you’ve had a bit of a mess with it.
In the spirit of cha0tics’ advice above, can I suggest that you consider downloading Google DeskTop and then simply searching for a string of words that you think the missing document may contain; West Cork, Panama, San Francisco, Brussels… or whatever. If the missing document is there, DeskTop will find it – just as certainly as Google Search finds all the lost stuff on in the ether.
And in the spirit of NaBlPoMo, I look forward to reading about just how mendicant and wild-child you used to be…
ho ho, I have to say that it’s not the fact that you wrote it all out in advance that is funny – it’s the fact that you now can’t find it!!!!
Sorry – I shall sneak out the backdoor of the classroom!
ooh I love NaBlPoMo…
Cha0tic, Jack D, TM, you are kind. Sam, you are just bad.