Daniel is still sick. Michael isn’t better at all and has started vomiting and clinging again. We had to collect the Princess early from school because she was vomiting. And it’s perishing outside and snowing.
I hope you are all getting better and I HOPE that you and Mr Waffle have not got this dreadful lergy yourselves. There is one thing worse than looking after sick children, and that is looking after sick children when you are sick. Sending get better vibes your way …
Oh dear. Wishing that I lived next door and not next continent.
oh love. just horrid x
Cheer up, they are just April showers (giboulées de mars, in French), the sun shines right after. The vomiting will have to stop somehow, it always does.
I suppose it is time for a trip back home, full of free childminders and rest and fun for you and Mr. Waffle.
My..oh my..so… are you and Mr W going to start throwing up as well?What have you been feeding the poor babies?
I hope you are all getting better and I HOPE that you and Mr Waffle have not got this dreadful lergy yourselves. There is one thing worse than looking after sick children, and that is looking after sick children when you are sick. Sending get better vibes your way …
Thank you all very much. Mercifully, we are all now restored to health. In fact, better again, adults never sick at all.